Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

On this page:

What is the survey about?

The main aim of the survey is to obtain views from within the financial services industry of how well the FCA is performing in relation to its statutory objectives - protecting consumers, enhancing the integrity of the UK financial system, and promoting effective competition. The survey asks about your dealings with the FCA and how FCA regulation has impacted on your firm and business.

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Why should I take part?

This is an opportunity to have your say about how the FCA carries out its regulatory duties. The results from this survey will have a major influence on the functions of the FCA and the way in which they communicate with firms.

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Who should take part?

An important element of this survey is that it collects the views of people running regulated firms. This is why we are asking that the most senior executive in your organisation completes this survey.

Depending on your personal level of contact with the FCA, you may find it useful to consult other colleagues within your organisation before completing the online survey. On the survey homepage, we have provided the option of printing out a paper copy of the questionnaire, which may help you to gather the required information.

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Why has my business been chosen?

Your business has been chosen from a database of regulated firms held by the FCA. To ensure that the results from the survey are representative of the financial services industry, we are contacting a statistically representative sample of firms, and so your response is important to ensure that the results of the survey are representative.

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What will happen to my answers and the information I give?

The information given by everyone who helps with the survey will be combined and used by the FCA and the Panel to provide a current picture of the FCA's regulatory performance.

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Is the survey confidential?

Any information you provide is treated in the strictest confidence. The names and addresses of businesses that take part are not passed on to any other organisation. The information collected is used solely for research purposes. No individual businesses will be identifiable from the results.

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Who is conducting the survey?

The survey is being conducted by Verian (formerly known as Kantar Public), an independent social research agency. To find out more about Verian, please visit

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